June 29, 2009


I finally got all my mouse buttons working in Linux. And no, I'm not going to bitch about how unhelpful Linux was this time... I'll leave that task to the simple fact that I've had this laptop for almost a full year now. Granted it mostly worked correctly, and the only thing I was missing specifically was that the back/forward buttons didn't work in Nautilus. But it's nice to have it working fully again, and even nicer that I found a comfortable solution.
It didn't take me long to abandon the "supported method", which is to install imwheel and edit the settings by scratching arcane figures into stone tablets. Fortunately I was quick to find an alternative called btnx, which has a (gasp!) graphical user interface. Although it's not exactly shiny, and it was probably just a lucky break that it supported my mouse, it was simple to use, fully-featured, and worked the very first second time. (It didn't say it had to run as superuser, and didn't warn me, either... it just failed when I tried to save the settings.) But the interface was nothing less than I expected--a straightforward "click the button you want to edit" process. One limitation I think it might have compared to imwheel (I haven't really searched for it, though) is the ability to have different settings for each program. Fortunately that's not one of the things I want to do right now, but hopefully it'll be supported in the future.

I wouldn't exactly call this a glowing recommendation ("Ubuntu: Its inadequacies aren't entirely unsurmountable!"), but it's the closest anything in Linux has come to "just working" in quite a while.

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